Privacy Policy

The website is owned and operated by i2 integrated intelligence, unipessoal lda (hereafter referred to as “FULL FILL”), a company based in Portugal, tax number PT513096256, and headquartered at Avenida da República, 6 – 1 Esq, 1050-191 Lisbon, Portugal.

FULL FILL complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), established by Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679, regarding privacy and data protection.

The personal data of the user is collected to enable the provision of the service provided by the online store since without the collection of personal data it is not possible to carry out the ordering, sale, and availability of products and/or services through the website.

By using the website, you consent to the processing of your data in the manner set out in this Privacy Policy.

Collection of personal data

The data may be owned by you or third parties who have in some way authorized you to use it. You are solely responsible for obtaining the consent of the third party´s data that you submit.

The user´s data is collected while browsing our website, for the following purposes:

a. Make the purchase of products and/or services in the online store. The data collected during the purchase will be processed to provide the purchased products and/or services and ensure the proper registration and monitoring of the transactions made, including issuing correctly the invoice.

b. Completion of Assessments for the evaluation and development of Conscious Productivity. The collected data will be used to produce a report, the results of which will be made known to the user. Subsequently, such data will be anonymized and used solely for statistical purposes.

c. Registration in Workshops and Coaching Sessions. The data collected will be used to identify the participating user.

d. Requests for clarification, questions, and others about products and/or services and other aspects related to the online store. The data collected will be used to answer the questions asked by the user through our website, as well as to provide information about products of the online store.

e. Disseminate news, promotions, and other information. The data collected for notifications, and obtained through the subscription of email notifications, at the time of registration, or in the various e-mail registration forms available on the website may be processed for the dissemination of news, information, promotions, and launches of services and/or products or campaigns of the online store. At any time the user may choose to stop receiving information about products and promotions.

f. Improve the experience of using our website. The data collected may be intended for the analysis and improvement of certain tools and features available on the website.

g. Help ensure the security of our website and services, for affiliation purposes, statistical purposes, and data back-ups.

While browsing on our website, the user may be asked for the following data, under appropriate purposes:

a. Full name

b. Postal address

c. Email address

d. Mobile phone number or phone number

e. Date of birth

f. Tax identification number

g. Addresses/links of your social networks

h. Gender

Transmission of personal data to third parties

We warn you that we do not sell your personal data or disclose it without your consent.

The controller of personal data collected by or FULL FILL may, exceptionally, rely on the service of some partners so that, on its behalf and in accordance with our guidelines, they process some of the personal data, being the processing done under this Privacy Policy and respecting our instructions.

Partners will not be able to transmit personal data without the authorization of the data controller and may not subcontract other entities without the express authorization of the data controller, ensuring the confidentiality and security of the data controller.

If you request the services of Certified Coaches to interpret the results of the Conscious Productivity Assessments, your personal data will be shared with those professionals.

International transfer of personal data

Some of your personal data will be processed by third countries, including outside the European Union, but the rights of the holder of the personal data will be fully ensured under the GDPR.

Retention of personal data

The personal data collected by or FULL FILL pursuant to the Privacy Policy may only be kept for the strictly necessary period, considering the purpose of the collection.

If within a period of five years no relevant contact occurs with the holder of the personal data, FULL FILL undertakes to delete or encrypt their personal data, unless it is necessary for the exercise of its activity or for the fulfillment of legal or judicial obligations.

At the end of the period indicated above, personal data will be permanently deleted or encrypted, without prejudice to the exceptions already mentioned.

Right of access and information

The holder of the personal data may, at any time, request from FULL FILL information on the content and processing of the personal data collected, namely:

a. Purpose for which it is intended;

b. Legal basis;

c. identity of the data controller or data protection officer, if this figure is implemented;

d. Period during which the data will be kept and criterion used for the setting of this period;

e. Categories of personal data;

f. Recipients or categories of recipients to whom personal data have been or will be transmitted;

g. Deadline for the retention of personal data (where possible) or criteria used for setting that period;

h. the origin of personal data, in case it has not been provided directly by the holder;

i. Existence of automated decisions and useful information on the logic of such decisions (including profiling) and the importance and consequences that the processing of such information may have for the data subject.

In addition to this information, the holder of the personal data may:

a. Request rectification, deletion, or limitation of the processing of your personal data or object to such processing;

b. Lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority in Portugal, the National Data Protection Commission (CNPD);

c. Be informed of the appropriate safeguards in relation to the processing of your data if it is transferred to a third country or an international organization;

d. Supplement or correct incorrect or inaccurate data;

e. Complain, if you believe that the processing of your personal data violates the GDPR, by e-mail or letter addressed to the headquarters of FULL FILL, so that we can clarify the situation.

Right to forgetfulness, limitation and opposition

You may request the deletion of your personal data without undue delay in the following cases:

a. Your personal data is not necessary for the purposes that justified its collection;

b. Revoke the consent on which the processing of personal data is based in absence of legal basis justifying such processing;

c. Oppose the processing of personal information in absence of  a legitimate interest justifying such processing;

d. The processing of personal data is done in an illegitimate or illegal manner;

e. For compliance with legal obligation;

f. Personal information is acquired through information society services.

The right to forgetfulness may be limited if FULL FILL is obliged to comply with legal and/or judicial obligations requiring the processing of the data, for the exercise of the right of freedom of expression and information, or in the case of public interest in the disclosure of data, such as in the context of scientific, historical or statistical investigations.

You may limit the processing of your personal data in the following cases:

a. Rectify the accuracy of your personal data;

b. The processing of the information is illegitimate and you do not wish to delete your data, but rather to limit its processing;

c. It is not necessary to process it, except for compliance with legal obligations;

d. During the verification period of objection to the use of personal data.

In a situation of limitation of the use of personal data, FULL FILL undertakes to use the data collected with the consent of the data holder or if it is obliged to comply with legal and/or judicial obligations requiring the processing of the data in question, for the exercise of the right of freedom of expression and information, or in case of public interest in the disclosure of the data, such as in the context of scientific, historical or statistical purposes.

The data holder may, at any time, object to the processing of his/her personal data. In this case, the data will no longer be processed by FULL FILL, unless there is a legitimate legal justification for its use or if it is strictly necessary for legal or judicial purposes.

The data holder may object to the processing of his/her personal data for direct marketing purposes.


If the holder of the personal data requires part or all of the personal data for the conclusion of a contract or other legal instrument or for pre-contractual negotiations, and if the data is processed automatically, he may, without prejudice to third parties, receive, in a structured format, common use and automatic reading, his/her data and transmit them to another data controller or authorize us to provide them to another responsible person. This right is not applicable if disclosure of the information violates the public interest.

Right of Complain

To exercise your rights or to ask any questions about the Privacy Policy, you may contact us through any of the means provided.


The user’s personal data is stored in secure computer equipment. All passwords are encrypted. In order to ensure privacy and security, we recommend that you do not disclose your password to third parties.

In the online store and on the website we have a secure connection (SSL), accessible to all relevant pages, such as login, registration, checkout, and payment processing.

If we detect a breach of your personal data, we will notify the supervisory authority within 72 hours.


Cookies are small data files transferred from a website to the user’s computer disk. or FULL FILL may use cookies to identify you if you browse our website again.

Cookies do not contain personal information such as name, address, credit card number, or other information considered sensitive.

Browsers allow cookies to be deleted from your computer. However, if you have cookies blocked, you will not be able to register and enter our website or make purchases on the website, and you cannot count on the benefits that these small files can offer you. For the user to make purchases without having cookies activated please contact us.

By using our website you agree to this Privacy Policy as well as the use of cookies, which are as follows:

a. COOKIES_OF_COUNTRY_CODE: to identify you when browsing the site and to identify your behavior while browsing the site.

b. COOKIES_OF_IP_CLIENT, COOKIES_OF_COUNTRY_ID, COOKIES_OF_COUNTRY_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE: to store information about your preferences and to help us personalize the information we make available to you.

c. utm_campaign, utm_source, utm_medium, coupon_code: to help us select which advertising we should show you considering the degree of relevance to you.

d. Cac, CLIENT_ACCEPT_COOKIE: to store your preferences regarding the use of cookies generally.

These are examples of cookies used by partners:

a. Google Analytics: gathers information about the use of our website and creates reports related to the use of the website. Relevant cookies:_ga, _gid, _gat, __utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmt, __utmz

b. Facebook Pixel: a tool that helps to evaluate the behavior of people who arrive at our site through Facebook. Relevant cookies: xs, wd, sb, presence, pl, m_pixel_ratio, fr, datr, c_user, act

Most browsers allow you to refuse, accept, or delete cookies. The process for doing so varies depending on the browser you use.

We provide information on some ways to do this in different browsers:






Final Provisions

We reserve the right to change the Privacy Policy at any time, in compliance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation.

Any changes to the Privacy Policy of our website will be posted online.

If you need to contact us, or if you have any questions or suggestions regarding our Privacy Policy, you can do so as follows:

By e-mail: info [at]

To stop receiving information about products and promotions, you can send us an email from your user account with “Remove” in the subject or contact us by email.

Last Updated: March 1st, 2024